
How To Increase Your Download Speed On Google Chrome

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Google Chrome is arguably the most popular browser for Windows users. Even so, one can not disagree with the fact that it is not the fastest browser in the earth. It has off-white shares of issues with RAM management and downloading speed. If you are dealing with the RAM effect, try optimizing Chrome to run faster, if you are dealing with tedious download speed, continue reading this article.

Increase Download Speed in Chrome

These are the things yous tin do to increase downloading speed in Google Chrome:

  1. Enable Parallel downloading
  2. Switch to Google DNS
  3. Close unnecessary tabs
  4. Use Online Download Managing director

Let us talk about them in particular.

1] Enable Parallel downloading

Increase Download Speed in Chrome

Parallel downloading is a flag introduced in Chrome to download a big file quickly by dividing it into small packets. Because of this, the download speed will increase. However, this feature is in beta condition and is only available in the latest version of Chrome.

To enable this feature, go to the following location and enable Parallel downloading.


This will ask you to relaunch the awarding, do that, and savour fast downloading.

Fix: Slow Net speed on Windows estimator.

2] Switch to Google DNS

Switching to Google DNS is one of the best things you lot tin practise to improve Google Chrome download speed.

To do that, launch Settings by Win + I and click Network & Internet > Change adapter options.

Right-click on your connected network and select Backdrop. Now, double-click on "Net Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)", tick Apply the post-obit DNS server addresses, modify the Preferred DNS server to "8.8.8.viii" and Culling DNS server to "eight.eight.4.iv", and click Ok.

Finally, we accept to affluent the old DNS Cache to make it work.

For Windows, launch Control Prompt equally an administrator, type the following command and hitting Enter.

ipconfig /flushdns

For Chrome, blazon the post-obit location in the search bar and click Clear host cache.


At present, restart your Figurer and enjoy blazing-fast download speed.

3] Close unnecessary tabs

This is self-explanatory only many users don't know that even if they are not using an opened tab on Chrome, it will however consume the Internet. Therefore, if you lot are done with a tab, it's better to shut it.

4] Use Download Manager

With the help of a Download Director – like say this browser extension, y'all can increase downloading speed in Chrome. This Online Download Manager refuses to use the download algorithm of Chrome, instead uses its ain multi-thread procedure to increase downloading speed.

Read Next:How to Increase your Internet Speed in Windows.

How to increase download speed in Google Chrome on Windows 10

Yusuf is currently pursuing B.Tech in Delhi. He is a smashing follower of the Windows ecosystem and enjoys working on his Windows xi PC.

How To Increase Your Download Speed On Google Chrome,


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