
How To Add Numbers In A Single Cell In Excel

To get the sum of an unabridged cavalcade is something about of us have to do quite oft. For example, if you have the sales data to date, you may desire to quickly know the total sum in the column to the sales value till the present twenty-four hour period.

You may want to quickly see what the total sum is or you may desire is equally a formula in a divide prison cell.

This Excel tutorial will cover a couple of quick and fast methods to sum a column in Excel.

Select and Get the SUM of the Cavalcade in Condition Bar

Excel has a condition bar (at the bottom right of the Excel screen) which displays some useful statistics virtually the selected data, such as Average, Count, and SUM.

Suppose you lot have a dataset every bit shown beneath and you want to quickly know the sum of the sales for the given weeks.

Weekly Sales Dataset

To do this, select the entire Column B (you lot can do that by clicking on the B alphabet at the superlative of the column).

Select the entire column to get the sum of the values

Equally soon as yous select the entire cavalcade, you will observe that the status bar shows you the SUM of the column.

Sum value of the selected cells in the satus bar

This is a really quick and like shooting fish in a barrel mode to get the sum of an entire column.

The skillful matter most using the status bar to get the sum of the cavalcade is that information technology ignores the cells that have the text and only considers the numbers. In our example, cell B1 has the text title, which is ignored and the sum of the column is displayed in the status bar.

In instance y'all want to get the sum of multiple columns, you tin can brand the selection, and it will testify you the total sum value of all the selected columns.

In case y'all don't want to select the entire cavalcade, you can make a range selection, and the status bar will show the sum of the selected cells simply.

One negative of using the condition bar to get the sum is that you tin can non copy this value.

If you want, you tin customize the status bar and get more information such as the maximum or the minimum value from the selection. To do this, right-click on the status bar and make the customizations.

Get the SUM of a Column with AutoSum (with a Unmarried-click/Shortcut)

Autosum is a really awesome tool that allows you lot to quickly get the sum of an unabridged column with a single click.

Suppose you take the dataset as shown beneath and you want to get the sum of the values in cavalcade B.

Beneath are the steps to get the sum of the column:

  1. Select the jail cell correct beneath the last cell in the column for which you want the sumSelect the cell where you want the sum
  2. Click the Formula tabClick the Formulas tab
  3. In the Function Library group, click on the Autosum optionClick the Autosum option

The above steps would instantly requite y'all the sum of the unabridged column in the selected cell.

You can besides use the Auto-sum by selecting the cavalcade that has the value and hitting the auto-sum option in the formula tab. As soon every bit you lot do this, it volition requite you the machine-sum in the prison cell below the pick.

Get the Sum using Autosum after selecting the column data

Note: Autosum automatically detects the range and includes all the cells in the SUM formula. If you select the cell which has the sum and look at the formula in it, you will notice that information technology refers to all the cells higher up it in the column.

One minor irritant when using Autosum is that information technology would not identify the correct range in case there are whatever empty cells in the range or any jail cell has the text value. In the example of the empty cell (or text value), the automobile-sum range would get-go below this cell.

Pro Tip: You can as well use the Autosum feature to get the sum of columns as well as rows. In case your data is in a row, simply select the jail cell after the information (in the same row) and click on the Autosum key.

AutoSum Keyboard Shortcut

While using the Autosum option in the Formula tab is fast plenty, y'all can make getting the SUM even faster with a keyboard shortcut.

To utilize the shortcut, select the jail cell where you desire the sum of the cavalcade and use the beneath shortcut:

          ALT =          (hold the ALT key and press the equal to fundamental)

Using the SUM Role to Manually calculate the Sum

While the machine-sum option is fast and effective, in some cases, you may want to calculate the sum of columns (or rows) manually.

One reason for doing this could be when you don't want the sum of the unabridged column, but only of some of the cells in the cavalcade.

In such a instance, yous can apply the SUM function and manually specify the range for which you want the sum.

Suppose y'all have a dataset as shown below and y'all desire the sum of the values in column B:

Weekly Sales Dataset

Below are the steps to utilise the SUM part manually:

  1. Select the prison cell where yous want to become the sum of the cells/range
  2. Enter the following: =SUM(Enter the SUM formula manually in a cell
  3. Select the cells that yous want to sum. You tin employ the mouse or can utilise the arrow key (with arrow keys, concord the shift key then utilize the arrow keys to select range of cells).Select the range of cells for the SUM formula
  4. Hit the Enter key.SUM formula to sum a column in Excel

The above steps would give y'all the sum of the selected cells in the column.

You tin can as well create and use named ranges in the SUM function to speedily get the sum value. This could be useful when you have data spread on a large spreadsheet and you want to chop-chop go the sum of a column or range. You would beginning need to create a named range and then you can use that range name to get the sum.

Below is an case where I take named the range – Sales. The below formula besides gives me the sum of the sales cavalcade:


Sum a column using named range

Note that when yous use the SUM function to get the sum of a column, it volition also include the filtered or hidden cells.

In case y'all want the subconscious cells to not be included when summing a column, you demand to use the SUBTOTAL or Aggregate function (covered later on in this tutorial).

Sum Simply the Visible Cells in a Column

In example you have a dataset where you have filtered cells or hidden cells, y'all can not use the SUM function.

Below is an example of what can go incorrect:

SUM Function calculates hidden and filtered cells as well

In the above example, when I sum the visible cells, it gives me the result as 2549, while the bodily result of the sum of visible cells would be 2190.

The reason nosotros get the wrong result is that the SUM role also takes the filtered/subconscious cells when calculating the sum of a column.

In case you only want to go the sum of visible cells, you can't apply the SUM function. In this case, you need to use the Aggregate or SUBTOTAL function.

If yous're using Excel 2010 or higher versions, you tin can use the Aggregate role. Information technology does everything that the SUBTOTAL function does, and a little more than. In case you're using earlier versions, so you tin can employ the SUBTOTAL part to get the SUM of visible cells merely (i.e., it ignores filtered/hidden cells).

Beneath is the formula you tin use to get the sum of only the visible cells in a column:


Using Aggregate function to get sum of filtered cells in a column

The Aggregate function takes the post-obit arguments:

  • function_num: This is a number that tells the Aggregate role the calculation that needs to exist washed. In this example, I take used 9 as I want the sum.
  • options: In this argument, you tin specify what yous want to ignore when doing the calculation. In this example, I have used three, which 'Ignores hidden row, error values, nested SUBTOTAL, and AGGREGATE functions'. In short, it merely uses the visible cells for the calculation.
  • array: This is the range of cells for which y'all want to get the value. In our example, this is B2:B6 (which also has some hidden/filtered rows)

In instance y'all're using Excel 2007 or prior versions, y'all can use the following Excel formula:


Below is a formula where I show how to sum a cavalcade when there are filtered cells (using the SUBTOTAL role)

Convert Tabular Data to Excel Table to Become the Sum of Column

When yous catechumen tabular data to an Excel Tabular array, it becomes really like shooting fish in a barrel to get the sum of columns.

I always recommend converting information into an Excel tabular array, as it offers a lot of benefits. And with new tools such as Ability Query, Ability Pivot, and Power BI working so well with tables, information technology's one more than reason to use it.

To convert your information into an Excel table, follow the beneath steps:

  1. Select the data that you desire to convert to an Excel Tabular array
  2. Click the Insert tabClick the Insert tab in the ribbon
  3. Click on the Table iconClick on the Table icon
  4. In the Create Table dialog box, make sure the range is correct. Too, check the option 'My table has headers' in example yous have headers in your information.Create Table dialog box
  5. Click Ok.

The above steps would convert your tabular data into an Excel Table.

The keyboard shortcut to convert to a tabular array is Command + T (hold the control primal and printing the T key)

Once yous have the table in identify, you can easily get the sum of all the columns.

Beneath are the steps to get the sum of the columns in an Excel Table:

  1. Select any cell in the Excel table
  2. Click the Design tab. This is a contextual tab that but appears when y'all select a cell in the Excel table.Click the Design tab in Table Tools
  3. In the 'Tabular array Style Options' group, check the 'Total Row' selectionCheck the Total Row option

The above steps would instantly add a totals row at the bottom of the table and give the sum of all the columns.

Using Table to Get the Sum of columns

Another thing to know about using an Excel table is that y'all tin can easily change the value from the SUM of the column to Average, Count, Min/Max, etc.

To do this, select a cell in the totals rows and utilize the drop-down carte du jour to select the value you want.

Change from Sum of column to other values such as Average or Count

Get the Sum of Cavalcade Based on a Criteria

All the methods covered above would give y'all the sum of the entire column.

In case you desire to but become the sum of those values that satisfy a benchmark, you can hands practise that with a SUMIF or SUMIFS formula.

For example, suppose you take the dataset as shown below and you only desire to get the sum of those values that are more than 500.

You lot can easily do this using the below formula:


Using SUMIF to conditionally sum the column

With the SUMIF formula, yous can use a numeric status also as a text status.

For instance, suppose you take a dataset as shown beneath and you lot want to get the SUM of all the sales done by Mark.

In this instance, you tin use column A equally the criteria range and "Mark" as the criteria, and the formula will give yous the sum of all the values for Mark.

The beneath formula will give you the result:


Add all sale values in the column for Mark

Note: Another way to become the sum of a column that meets a criterion could be to filter the column based on the criteria and and then use the AGGREGATE or SUBTOTAL formula to get the sum of visible cells merely.

You may also similar the following Excel tutorials:

  • How to Sum Positive or Negative Numbers in Excel
  • How to Apply Formula to the Unabridged Column in Excel
  • How to Compare Two Columns in Excel (for matches and differences)
  • How to Unhide COLUMNS in Excel
  • How to Count Colored Cells In Excel
  • How to Employ Multiple Criteria in Excel COUNTIF and COUNTIFS Office
  • 100+ Excel Functions (explained with examples)
  • 5 Easy Ways to Summate Running Total in Excel (Cumulative Sum)


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