
Outriders: Weakness effect vs. Vulnerable status

Two of the status effects in Outriders, Vulnerable and Weakness, can be confusing. Afterward all, those two words accept very similar meanings, so how could they be all that different? In practice, the deviation between Vulnerable vs. Weakness in Outriders is much more than than the similarity between the terms would atomic number 82 one to believe.

What's the difference betwixt Vulnerable and Weakness in Outriders?

Outriders vulnerable status vs weakness effect

In Outriders, the Weakness effect targets the enemy's power to practise damage, and Vulnerable affects how much damage they receive. An easy fashion to call up this is that if they're afflicted with Weakness, it lowers the amount of damage they can do to a player. On the flip side, if an enemy is struck with Vulnerable, it affects how much damage a role player tin can practise to them.

  • Weakness: Lowers enemy attack by 30% for 6 seconds.
  • Vulnerable: Lowers enemy defense by 25% for 10 seconds.

Each enemy has its ain Condition Resistance modifier, which influences how likely it'll exist afflicted by a status outcome-inducing attack, and how long the debuff will last. The good thing is that with persistence, players can inflict weakness and Vulnerable statuses on any enemy. The exception to this is when Elites use their Status Immunity skill. When this happens, a blue symbol appears by the enemy'southward health bar. Fortunately, this skill is only active for a short time and takes a while to recharge.

Nosotros haven't found an case where an enemy inflicted Weakness or Vulnerable to a player. Unlike Ash, Freeze, Bleed, Burn, and Toxic, it seems as though Outriders are immune to those two furnishings. This is probable due to how powerful they are. Information technology would be incredibly frustrating for enemies to cut a player's attack past almost a third or defense by a quarter, peculiarly given out outnumbered Outriders are at all points in the game.

Now that nosotros've explained Weakness and Vulnerable condition cheque out our guide to Leech to dive even deeper into the game'south mechanics.


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